Plastic Free Dental Health

There are a number of options for plastic free dental hygiene if you search them out:

  • Bamboo toothbrushes
  • Silk dental floss in glass jars
  • Toothpaste in pots or in solid tablets

However these all have some caveats in my experience.

My first bamboo toothbrush worked really well. But after 4 months I bought another one and for whatever reason, despite it being the exact same brand and make, it was irritating my gums so I switched back to a plastic freebie from my dentist.

Dental floss — beyond just the plastic issue another reason to to switch to a more natural floss is that apparently many kinds of plastic dental floss are coated in PFAS! I’m still working through my jumbo pack of floss but I am excited to try the silk floss options. I also plan to try these plastic-free picks from the local co-op at some point.


Toothpaste has been a real sticky issue for me. Most non-plastic versions do not include fluoride which as someone with very precarious dental history is a deal breaker. I finally found these Dent Tabs with fluoride! from Germany purchased on Amazon So very conflicted — does the no plastic balance against all of the shipping and miles this product travels? Does it justify supporting Amazon? The experience of tablet toothpaste is definitely different than tube toothpaste but I adjusted. However I haven’t replaced my first order once I ran out of tablets because of those other concerns.

So I’m currently in a balancing position of working through old stock in my house and trying new products. Have you tried a plastic-free dental hygiene product you really like?

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