Monthly Archives: November 2016

Pumpkin Pie

Ok I’ll admit that this recipe post is just as much about me remembering the recipe as it is wanting to share .

But I think it should be shared because it is DELISH.

We just moved and I MAY have tossed an old “cookbook” that consisted mostly of recipes my husband printed off the computer (pre-Pinterest days) but did apparently also include a few family recipes (OOPS big time!). Fortunately the main one – his grandpa’s pie crust was still on hand at my mother-in-law’s house.

This was the first Thanksgiving we’ve attended in our home state since we moved away 9 years ago and we had the pleasure? of spending it with family. Our contribution was of course, pumpkin pie. And we go for the real deal – with pie pumpkins and all. It’s not as scary as it sounds.

In the past my husband has taken care of the pumpkin processing while I was responsible for the crust but this year it was all my show. I elected to follow the first step from this Food Network recipe that has you roast the pumpkin – and even my husband admitted it had a more robust flavor than the steaming method he used in the past.

For the filling I still went with the recipe that he unearthed years ago when we were in college. I doubled the recipe and had enough filling for 2 pies plus enough extra to bake a pumpkin cake (add a little flour, baking soda and baking powder and cook at 350 for 25 minutes voila!). Next time I’ll probably 1.5 the recipe.

And finally the crust. The family recipe. (To be fair I don’t know where my grandfather-in-law supposedly got this recipe and it’s probably just a general recipe that lots of people know).

Makes 1 Crust
1 cup flour
1 Tsp. Salt
1/3 cup oil
3 Tbsp. milk

Chill in the refrigerator for at least 1/2 hour

Roll between 2 pieces of wax paper (best tip ever).


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